Reservoir Engineering Study

1. Dynamic Study
Analysis reservoir performance and current situation according to well dynamic and static data. More specifically, analyze residual oil in plane and vertical direction, reservoir energy condition and development characteristics of block and single well, such as oil, gas, water production, initial production rate, decline regularity, oil recovery rate and so on, and evaluate reservoir performance
2. Reservoir Numerical Simulation
Build numerical simulation model, conduct sensitivity analysis and history match to simulate real reservoir performance to forecast further development.
3. Field Development Plan
Make field development plan according to dynamic analysis and reservoir simulation.
4. Cases
(1) Fine Numerical Simulation of Bulk Reservoir
Fine Numerical Simulation Research Project of C Reservoir
Reservoir Peculiarity:Multiple layers, large amount of wells
Object:Clarify residual oil distribution, optimize development plan
Technical features:Using parallel technology for large scale simulation based on units defined by sedimentary facies and reservoir property.

(2) Numerical Simulation of Condensate Gas Field
Y Gas Field Numerical Simulation Project
Reservoir Peculiarity:Multiple faults, boundary water drive
Object:Clarify residual oil distribution, propose new production wells and optimize development plan
Technical features:Build component model by phase analysis and history match, demonstrate fault connectivity.


(3) Numerical Simulation of Fracture Reservoir
Numerical Simulation Project of C Condensate Gas Reservoir in Mexico
Reservoir Peculiarity:Bulk condensate gas reservoir, fracture existing
Object:Verify fracture, clarify residual oil distribution and optimize development plan
Technical features:Build component model by phase analysis and history match, realize fracture reservoir simulation by multiple matrix simulation technology.

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(4) Bulk Reservoir Numerical Simulation with Large Scale
Algeria Z Reservoir Numerical Simulation Project
Reservoir Peculiarity:Light oil reservoir with gas cap and boundary water, big research area and large amount of wells
Object:Clarify residual oil distribution and optimize development plan
Technical features:Multiple drive mechanism, simulate outer aquifer with dynamic aquifer.

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(5) Heavy Oil Numerical Simulation
Numerical Simulation Project of S Heavy Oil Reservoir
Reservoir Peculiarity:Bulk reservoir with heavy oil
Object:Residual oil analysis, effect way to develop the field
Technical features:SAGD simulation technology, formation combustion, multi-lateral horizontal well technology, thermal recovery technology.

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(6) Chemical Flooding Numerical Simulation Research
Numerical Simulation Project of Polymer and Surfactant Flooding in G Oil Field
Reservoir Peculiarity:High water cut, sandstone reservoir with medium to high permeability
Object:Study the polymer and surfactant effect on sweep area;enhance oil recovery (EOR)
Technical features:Polymer flooding, surfactant flooding, EOR at the late stage of high water cut with chemical flooding.


(7) Numerical Simulation Research of Oil Field with Terrestrial Heat
Heat Utilization of Swage with High Temperature in S Oil Field Project
Reservoir Peculiarity:Extreme high water cut, sandstone with medium to high temperature, high reservoir temperature
Object:Demonstrate effect of temperature difference from swage recovered on oil producing, reservoir temperature, optimize recovery amount
Technical features:Build thermal model based on material heat exchange, simulation geo-thermal utilization by thermal model technology.


(8) Reservoir Dynamic Analysis
Dynamic Analysis Project of a Condensate Gas Reservoir
Reservoir Peculiarity:Strong bottom aquifer, bulk condensate gas reservoir in small scale
Object:Clarify reason of stop produce, propose measurement, EOR
Technical features:Build component model by phase analysis and history match, evaluate reservoir performance by integrating dynamic analysis and numerical simulation.

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(9) Horizontal well Optimal Design Research
Horizontal well Optimal Design Project in J Oil Field
Reservoir Peculiarity:Strong bottom aquifer, bulk reservoir
Object:Optimization horizontal well development plan, EOR
Technical features:Optimize well pattern, optimize injection and production rate.


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